victa westlink造句


  1. The Merlin Rail train operating licence and railtour operator Hertfordshire Rail Tours was sold to Victa Westlink Rail.
  2. In January 2007 " The Great Brition " luxury Pullman train set took over the operation of the'Blue Pullman'for Hertfordshire Railtours, formally part of Victa Westlink Rail.
  3. It left Minehead at 11 : 10 and Bristol at 14 : 06 with Victa Westlink's s 31452 and 31454 powering the five coaches . 31128 was available as a spare locomotive but was not used on the service trains.
  4. It's difficult to find victa westlink in a sentence. 用victa westlink造句挺难的


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  6. "victa westlink rail"造句
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